Senior Center

Welcome to the Senior Center!

For elders, quality of life is often related to the quality and continuity of relationships. The Senior Center provides a "welcoming destination" that accepts you regardless of financial status, race, creed, medical condition, or mobility.  Many seniors see the Senior Center as a  "home away from home."  This is where they see old friends or meet new ones.  In addition to the social impact, the Senior Center is a resource center.  This is the only social service agency in town where seniors can find nutritional, physical, and educational activities created to assist a diverse demand of elderly needs and interests while attempting to foster independence and community interaction.

Mission Statement

"Our mission is to maintain the health and well being of the Sterling seniors and to assist them with preserving their independence." 


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Linda Chignola Outreach Coordinator 978 422 3032
Bonnie Decker Outreach Coordinator 978 422 3032
Sheila Beane Director 978-422-3032