Department of Public Works Facility Committee Seeking Members

Department of Public Works Facility Committee Seeking Members

The Department of Public Works Board is seeking interest from Town residents who would like to join the newly formed Department of Public Works Facility Committee. This committee will be charged with reviewing the existing conditions of the public works facility and other appurtenances (salt shed, town fuel pumps etc.), and provide recommendations for large scale repair, renovation, or replacement. The committee will meet regularly following open meeting laws, and communicate with liaisons from the Department of Public Works Board, Select Board and Finance Committee. The ultimate goal of this committee is to bring a project to the town meeting voters for approval and see the project through bid and construction.

Selection of the committee members will be based on the “Boards and Committees with Openings or Vacancies, Posting and Interview Policy” found on the Town Clerk’s webpage at Interested parties should visit the Sterling webpage, navigate to “Vacancies” at the top and go to the “Boards and Committees Opening Page”. At the bottom of that page is the “Citizen Volunteer Application Form”. Please forward the applications to Applications will be reviewed by the Department of Public Works Board and interviews will be scheduled with potential candidates at one of the Board’s regular meetings. If you have any questions about the board or the process, please contact the Department of Public Works at 978-422-6767.